Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Walk turning into a ride, 2010 to be a boom year

It has become obvious to everyone else that if I am going to do this trek from Melbourne to Brisbane that I should do it in a shorter time frame. With that in mind the journey will now be cycled on an electric cycle .If I was to cycle only every third day for four hours I will do the whole trip in 75 days. So starting at the end April  I should be finished by the end of August.I am now in the process setting up all the events from May to September.

I  have just had a meeting with Alain Chazelles from InHouse Group 3 this community of highly selected, qualified and like minded building  professionals of the building industry (see article in About People newsletter . Alain and I are working together to bring a number of events this year to the east coast of Australia that will bring SME together and help them formulate strategies that will provide opportunities that will make business more profitable and sustainable.

The next About People newsletter is starting to come together with a number of contributors from overseas. The next issue will have more inspirational and motivational stories. There will also be more helpful tips for your business and personal development. Each issue has had more content and by the end of this year will be bi-monthly magazine.

From the editor About People
Ian Cleland 

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