Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Conference - Sustainability in 
business and people
This is for any business that wants to find out how to make their business greener and more sustainable.

The conference  will cover the following areas:
  • What your business needs to do to keep your business plan on track.
  • What you need to do to keep your business profitable.
  • What you need to know about additional compliance and reporting requirements.
  • What are the regulatory requirements in running your business
Learn about other business models and see how you can adopt different ways to make your business more efficient .
  • How you can market your business and target you clients.
  • How to better serve your clients.
  • How to cut your energy bills and carry out energy auditing.
  • How you can be part of the future of sustainable businesses.
  • How government departments can help fund plans for changing your business  to be part of the future  of sustainable business.

Friday 167th April 2010
Venue to be determined April, 2010 
Registration 8:30 am for  9:30 am start
The conference will be run over two days with the first morning starting with a keynote speaker address and one session of three hours of sustainability challenge.  Find out where your want your business to be with regard to sustainability. Educate, debate and model to define how your  your business can be more profitable through being greener and sustainable.
After lunch on the first day there will be workshops running concurrently in which attendees can choose  to participate in what is relevant to their business or interests.
Evening function: Dinner and dance. Pre-dinner drinks starting at 7:00pm and dinner from 8.00pm

Sunday 17th April 2010 - Start 9:30 am
One main speaker for all attendees with the rest of the day of various  workshops with a break for lunch and the conference finishing at 4:00pm.
Who should be attending?
  • All people in business.
  • All who want to find out ways to make your business more profitable, efficient, effective and one that fills your needs as a business owner.
  • All who want to be with other businesses that have different approaches, which will help you learn new approaches to be successful and profitable.
  • All businesses who want to find out about future requirements for business and reporting compliance.
  • All who wish to be  in a great place to network with positive motivated people that are like you
  • All who wish to be in a place of learning that is fun.
There will also be trade displays by companies and individuals involved in the workshops.

For more information contact: Ian Cleland on 0414 977 209 or leave a comment with contact details

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