Wednesday, November 25, 2009

After consulting with John Eussen (, who is assisting me in the promotion of About People and The Walking Man. The start of the walk from Melbourne to Brisbane has been postponed to 24th April, which is the during the Easter long weekend. This weekend is  one the important events in our calendar where one person made the ultimate sacrifice, Jesus. My journey is about how we all can as individuals make a difference and work toward sustainable futures.

Our future is at stake and we all need to find a ways of overcoming the fears we have of the future and work toward a positive future filled with many possibilities.

In the lead up to the start of the walk I will be looking for people who wish to become involved either through sponsorship or become a participant in the walk.

You can be part of the  journey by signing up for FREE membership by providing your name and email (in the form to the top right of the screen). Next week About People will be publishing the December issue of Newsletter. The About People Newsletter is about being positive uplifting and solution focused.

Over the next week I will be posting videos of my story and the reasons for making this journey.

I am about waking the talk .

Ian Cleland
The Walking Man

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