Tuesday, August 25, 2009

When is graffiti art or when is it vandalism - a global problem or just being creative.

This is just not just a local problem, this a national and global issue.

As you can see from the video this is what has happened in the local area on the Northern Beaches of Sydney.

As much as we want to stop the vandalism and catch the perpetrators. prosecute to the full extent of the law along with providing more security lighting and camera in and around a community. This is all at considerable cost, being footed by local council, community and business.

You have to ask the question, what is at the root cause of the problem in the first place, because as a lot of us say it was not happening in my day. It was but not so blatantly obvious. We are all willing to complain but few willing to help to find and implement a solution.

I believe in part that there has been a loss of respect for community values and this is just one manifestation of the changes happening in our society.

Do we want to create a community where all take responsibility and ownership for the community that we desire. This is about people and how we life with each other, about finding a solution that creates opportunities for positive change.

It is time for us to look for a better solution and not one which is about point scoring, but to work towards lasting change. This will take time and we have to start somewhere and now seems to be a god as time as any.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stories About People

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Stories about people